Friday, July 27, 2007

core beliefs or lessons learned, and sometimes forgotten, on my life journy

*results = resources applied

*time is the most precious resource we have spend it wisely and you'll have a
life with no regrets

*we can not change the past and can't control the future the present is our
only chance to make a difference in our lives

*choices, whether made or not made, determine our life condition no one or
nothing else is responsible for who we are or how we feel

*actions/inactions have consequences

*low expectations rarely go unrewarded

*change is something in your pocket not something you can do to another

*what is is not a justification for what should be -they come back to you

*a fair is something the county holds at the end of summer not to be confused
with life

*Friendship is the foundation on which true love is built

*feelings are not facts: actions should never be based only on them

*truth , however unpleasant, is the only foundation worth building on-fewer

*lies are like a Boomerang-they come back to you

*on relationships i will never knowing hurt you but i will from time to time hurt you why? because i am human and will make mistakes rest assured that i will be at least as hurt as you are and stand ready to make amends for my mistake

*I can't stop growing old but I don't have to get old

*it's not supposed to work the first time

*One who knows how the job is done will have a job for life; one who knows
why the job is done will always be the person they report to because just as
there is only one king there is only one

*don't take life seriously you aren't getting out of it alive

*do unto others and you would have them do undo you

*intelligence is not a requirement for a driver's license

*i aint as good as i once was but i'm as good once as i ever was

*when looking 4 something look 4 where it isn't - more positive results and
when you run out of places it isn't've found it!

*A dream is reality which has yet to materialize.

*Action is the antidote to despair

*Each passing minute is one less chance to change

*Flexible people don't get bent out of shape

*live like you were dying

*walk a mile in their shoes before judgment

*Success is never forever and failure isn't fatal

*We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear more and
speak less

books that have helped me The Feeling Good Handbook (Plume) Books David D. Burns the dance of anger Dance of Intimacy Books H. Lerner,Harriet Goldhor Lerner The Dance of Connection How to Talk to Someone When You're Mad, Hurt,
Scared, Frustrated, Insulted, Betrayed, or Desperate Books Harriet Lerner

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