Friday, July 27, 2007

Real World Wedding Vows

It is my belief that most folks can't recite their wedding vows by their 5th
wedding anniversary, some even the morning after.

This I believe is because the vows deal with romance and love as opposed to
the real world. Not that i am opposed to romance and love but sometimes the real
world gets in the way.

As a service to all and in an effort to ensure a life of much romance and
love, I present, in no particular order, Real World
Wedding Vows

Do you mutually promise in the presence of your friends and family that you
  • Insure that there is enough gas in the car to make a round trip to the
    most distant store having a sale

  • When a passenger in a vehicle, (front seat or back), do not offer
    suggestions as to the proper way to drive unless requested to do so.

  • When driving a vehicle used by more than one person, agree on the default
    position for the driver's seat and insure that it is returned to that
    position after completing you use of the vehicle and before you leave the
    car and of course, if you are driving someone else's car, return the
    driver's seat to the owner's preferred position.

  • Be able to shop for groceries so that when you get home each of you can
    enjoy the meal and demonstrate that skill by sharing equally in the
    responsibility of actually shopping for groceries when the need arises.

  • Refrain for eating all of the tastiest snack within 2hrs of its purchase

  • Assume responsibility for adding to the shopping list all items you use
    that after your use of the item will not allow the next user of that item to
    derive full enjoyment from the item. in plain English, don't put a milk
    carton with less than an ounce of milk back in the refrigerator and expect
    the next user to indicate the need for its replacement.

  • Always compliment a new hair style or outfit no matter what it really looks

  • Replace articles of clothing for your spouse when laundry mistakes are made
    rather that say "I really never liked that outfit anyway"

  • Pass the serving plate to your spouse before serving yourself at all meals

  • Develop a proficiency in the use of common household cleaning tools like
    vacuums, sponges, mops, dusters, dish washing aids etc and share equally in
    the uses of such tools in order to avoid a board of health citation or
    having your spouse unable to live with you, whichever comes first

  • Accept the reality that they are OUR children ALL the time and share equally
    in all aspects physically possible in the parenting of the children

  • Participate in all aspects of diapering no matter what the outcome

  • Demonstrate proficiency in knowing when the garbage cans are full and
    the ability and knowledge to transport them to the location of the garbage
    pickup area so their contents may be properly disposed of, without being
    asked to do so.

  • Accept you partner for who they are and not who you wish they were

  • Promise never to unfavorably compare your partner's way of doing things to
    either of your parents

  • Acknowledge that reservations are not only places where Indians live and
    allow your spouse to choose the location for the reservation at least twice
    a month

  • Agree on the proper resting place for the toilet seat and promise to return
    it to that position when you conclude your business with that device in
    order to prevent surprises to one who is in dire need of the toilet. You
    further agree to replace the toilet paper roll when near the end so the next
    user will not find themselves in a state of need.

  • Determine who is afraid of what, Insect, mice or other animal, and agree
    that the less fearful of you will undertake the responsibility of removing
    the insect, mouse or other animal by what ever means is most appropriate and
    humane so that your spouse may once again be restored to the loving and
    caring person you see before you today.

  • Acknowledge the sex is a two way treat and unlike pre and post game sporting
    activities, where participation in these events does not deter your
    enjoyment of the main event, you recognize that where sex is concerned pre
    and post event activities can only enhance and extend the experience.

  • Understand that just because there are checks in the checkbook does not mean
    there is money in the bank. Recognize that everything has a price and that
    price must be paid. Agree on a method for determining how your finances will
    be spent such that each of you can feel comfortable.

  • core beliefs

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